The Mysterious Death of Joseph Force Crater (1930)
Joseph Force Crater, a New York Supreme Court justice, vanished on August 6, 1930, leaving behind a mystery that has endured for nearly a century. His disappearance, amidst a corruption investigation and a life of secrets, has spawned numerous theories and investigations, yet the truth remains elusive.
Early Life and Career:
Born in Easton, Pennsylvania, Crater was a produce market operator's son. He graduated from Lafayette College and Columbia University, where he met his future wife, Stella Mance Wheeler. Crater became a lawyer and a member of Tammany Hall, eventually rising to the position of New York Supreme Court justice in 1930.
Crater's disappearance occurred during a tumultuous time in New York City politics. He had been appointed to the Supreme Court just four months prior, and a corruption investigation was underway. On the evening of August 6, Crater went to a Broadway ticket agency, reserved a seat for a comedy show, and was last seen getting into a taxi. His wife reported him missing ten days later, and an investigation was launched.
The investigation revealed that Crater had withdrawn large sums of money, emptied his safe deposit box, and destroyed documents in his office. Numerous leads and tips emerged, but none resulted in finding Crater or determining his fate. The case became a sensation, with theories ranging from voluntary disappearance to murder.